Friday, September 28, 2007

Archway Road - the new Charing Cross Road for jazz?

Archway Road seems to be where it's all at nowadays. Gone are the days when it was just getting ready to be widened into an 8 lane highway. And I only knew it as where I would go to the underground station, or for the public library on Shepherd's Hill.
First came Jacksons Lane Arts Centre. I remember seeing John Surman there around 1992 or so. Billy Jenkins also did a remarkable gig with a double big band from Middlesex University playing alternate notes.
The gigs died down there a bit. But then came Mark Wastell's Sound 323, where Babel releases are generally too mainstream. And now there's the Red Hedgehog for live music and the new Alternative Music Distribution shop. Since they follow on from the start of thejazz and a really successful Portico Quartet gig for Time Out yesterday, we could be on to something.
I'm going to check out the new shop tomorrow....

1 comment:

Steve Lawson said...

The Egea shop sounds really interesting, will have to investigate, and see if they'll stock my stuff! :o)